Our last two evenings on the water for this season are rapidly approaching.
Join us on Tuesday 10th September from 5.30pm for sailing, canoeing, kayak and powerboat fun. With good access to the pontoon, we'll keep going until the night falls!
Our last watery evening this season will be on Tuesday 17th September.
Don't fear though, we have some more weekend adventure days in planning to keep the vibe going. Watch this space and facebook for updates.
Save the date: Sunday 1st December
Sunday December 1st will be our 'wash-up' event. Don't worry we're not asking you to clean up the boats! This annual event is an opportunity for us to review the year, with some more of Karls superb pictures, some food and drink, perhaps some entertainment and most important of all a chance for you all to let us know what you think and help shape SEAS going forwards.